Invite your students to explore Jewish values by focusing on their everyday relationships and decision-making. How can the precepts of Judaism help them decide, for example, when to help a friend and when to care for themselves, what to do if they feel jealous of a sibling or classmate, and how to make sound judgments in difficult situations? Count Me In provides a rich array of traditional stories, source material from sacred texts, and critical-thinking activities to help you introduce students to Judaism's ethical underpinnings. It also includes many practical ideas to teach students how to apply what they learn. Through over 100 vivid photos and images, Count Me In reflects the diversity of your students' interests, backgrounds, and experiences. Its broad mix of activities engages students of diverse strengths by providing opportunities for reflection, creative writing, drawing, interpretation of sacred text, and hands-on social action projects. As they study universal values such as peace, persistence, and free will within the rubric of Judaic thought and tradition, students develop a personal connection and understanding of how to integrate Jewish values into their lives.