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Behrman House publishes materials, books, apps for Jewish education for children in grades K-12 in both formal and informal educational settings.  We also publish materials for Jewish adult education, Jewish stories (especially stories for children), haggadot and siddurim, and books of a Jewish nature on any topic.

See our wishlist here.

Information about submitting storybooks, which are published by our Apples & Honey imprint, is available here

Your Behrman House submission should include:

  • Cover letter with a brief description of the book
  • Intended audience and market for the book
  • Your background (occupation, education, prior writing, etc.)
  • Table of Contents
  • At least two sample chapters, although the complete manuscript is preferable and will provide us with better information with which to make a decision

We prefer manuscript submissions and book proposals in digital format as a Word document, double spaced. Please send your digital submissions to the Editorial Committee,

If you choose to send a hard copy, make sure it is typed, double-spaced, single-sided, on 8-1/2 x 11 paper. Please submit photocopies only; no originals.

Please send hard copy submissions to:

Editorial Committee
Behrman House
241B Millburn Ave
Millburn, NJ 07041

After our Editorial Committee has reviewed your work we will return the manuscript to you or, if there is interest in your work, you will be contacted by a member of our editorial staff. Please allow three months for us to consider your submission. To ensure proper return, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.

If you wish to inquire about your submission, please write to the Editorial Committee at the above address.

Thank you for your interest in our firm.