Thinking of submitting your work to Apples & Honey Press?
Read on! We are delighted in your interest.
See our wishlist.
We publish high-quality books for children that depict contemporary, diverse Jewish life and strong Jewish values.
Our specialty is picture books for children (ages 2-8), and we also publish board books for very young children and chapter books and graphic novels for older kids.
We welcome unsolicited manuscripts and art samples.
If you’re an author...
What should you send?
- The entire manuscript (picture books are typically between 500-1000 words.) Please include your name, address, phone number, and email address on the title page of your manuscript.
- A cover letter with a brief description of the book and your background (occupation, education, prior writing, etc.)
- Artwork is not expected or required.
- We prefer emailed submissions, with the manuscript sent as an attached Word document.
Where should you send it?
Every manuscript submission is reviewed by our Creative Team, after which you will receive a response from a member of our editorial staff. Please allow three months for us to consider your submission.
If you’re an Illustrator...
What should you send?
- Samples of your work that demonstrate your creativity, ability to show the same character with different emotions, and skills in your chosen media. (Make sure to include your name and contact information on every illustration sample.)
- A list of your previously published work and your resume
- You can also send a link to a website portfolio.
- Do not send original art, as we cannot guarantee its return.
Where should you send it?
- Send hard copy submissions to:
Art Director at Apples & Honey Press
241B Millburn Ave
Millburn, NJ 07041