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Monthly Archives: June 2021

  1. How to Help Students Grapple with a Complicated Israel

    The question for us as Jewish educators is how to help young people grapple with nuance when it comes to talking and teaching about Israel, and how to provide supportive spaces for such conversations.

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  2. First-Class Hebrew Curriculum Options for Grades 5-6

    As we all know, there is no single magic bullet to ensure our students connect to the language of their tradition.

    It would be easy if the only choice of Hebrew approach were one-size-fits-all. But there’s no single way. The goals for learning Hebrew in vary from one community to the next.  

    Our job as educators is to provide learners with real opportunities to use Hebrew in a way that aligns with the community's goals. Over the last century we have seen educational programs of all flavors and have a deep level of expertise in identifying solutions that match goals and resources. We know that Hebrew learning can be deep and fun and meaningful because we see it often, and in many different packages.

    As you're thinking about your Hebrew program for the upcoming year, we're highlighting some of our tried and true programs for grades 5-6. T

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  3. Is the Time Right to Consider a Vision Change for Your Learning Program?

    The 2020-21 school year was marked by resourcefulness, experimentation, and creativity, among other things. It was different by necessity.

    As we emerge from the pandemic and look ahead to next year, when things will be different yet again, consider whether to step back and take stock of the big picture. Not the tachlis of what's working and what's not. But the overall vision of your learning program - what's the point of Jewish education and are you and the stakeholders in your community in alignment?

    "The answer to this question lies at the very heart of the approach we take in our educational spaces," writes Batsheva Frankel in The Jewish Educator's Companion. "We are always striving to be our best, wanting our programs to grow and improve. The process of considering change

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