Yom Ha'atzma'ut, or Israel Independence Day, starts on the evening of Wednesday, April 18. We've rounded up some resources to help bridge connections with Israel, whether at home or in the classroom.
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Jews around the world will celebrate Israel Independence Day, known as Yom Ha’atzma’ut. Beyond wearing blue and white and making Israeli flags, help students connect with Israel on a deeper level.
This is the second in a series of articles exploring the diversity of Hebrew learning strategies at congregational schools.
At Baltimore Hebrew Congregation, educators follow two guiding principles when it comes to Hebrew.
“We do Hebrew for the sake of loving it and using it,” says Brad Cohen, the synagogue’s director of education. “I listen to my students. When they’re curious about a topic, they learn it faster.”
What this looks like in practice is a school of 250 students that aims to instill a comfort with Hebrew, whether for prayer participation and knowledge or for an overall sense of identity. The school infuses Hebrew throughout all the grades, beginning with auditory learning of blessings and prayers in classrooms.
Third graders use Hebrew Through Movement and small group t’filah, which provides them an opportunity to connect with prayers in an intimate setting. Fourth and fifth graders learn to lead Havdalah
The topics of guns and school violence are difficult subjects to approach, and yet the topics have become the center of everyday discussion after the most recent tragedy in a Florida school.
Whatever your stance on guns, we have helpful resources to bring thoughtful conversation to your classrooms through Jewish texts and perspectives. With our Hot Topics series, you can address your students’ top concerns while also teaching them to look at various angles of the issue.
Teaching Hot Topics provides a fully-prepared lesson plan about school violence, including connections to Jewish texts and real-life example
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