Learning a second language is simply not the same as learning a first language, according to Dina Maiben, director of the Hebrew program at Gratz College.
That’s true for reading as well as learning to speak. Understanding how sounds are combined into words and words into sentences is something that develops over time in early childhood, but once a learner has reached school age, it is likely fully developed. And once mastered, it can easily be applied to a new language. By the time students are in 3rd grade, they are more than ready developmentally to apply what they understand about phonics to a second language. "For second-language learning, it doesn’t take many years for children to build the oral/aural foundations of a language that are necessary for understanding how print maps onto the sounds of the language, as it would for first language learning," Maiben says.
Hear more from Maiben in our video series abo
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Plain and simple: Students benefit when they learn to decode in tandem with hearing the language.
Oral language and decoding go hand-in-hand, reinforcing each other, according to Dina Maiben, director of the Hebrew program at Gratz College. Such an approach increases proficiency, decreases frustration, and helps students build on what they know and progress at a smooth pace.
Hear more from Maiben herself, as part of our video series about effective Hebrew learning strategies.
How can you incorporate oral Hebrew into your program?
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