Fifty years of reasearch says if you want students to recognize written language, you have to teach them to decode.
Dear Colleague,
The supply problems and shipping delays that are plaguing the entire U.S.—in fact the worldwide—economy have hit us here in Jewish education as well, and we want to provide you with an update on our book shipping situation.
As you may already be painfully aware, our Ohio warehouse partner is backlogged, and our shipments are running late, in some cases 2-3 weeks or more. We’re in touch with them daily; they a re prioritizing our shipments and those of their other education-related clients, but they are having difficulty finding adequate staff. They have flown people in from other locations and have executive and other staff doing temporary duty in picking and packing books; so far it hasn’t been enough.
In addition, while the war
Tech Tools was a regular column of excellent technology tips to inspire you and add creativity to your teaching. Here are a few of those simple tools to enhance remote teaching.
Gimkit is a quiz learning game…and was created by a student!
Think visually, brainstorm, organize, and share ideas.