Parent support and encouragement is key to student learning. This is especially true when introducing a new curriculum that has an at-home component, such as Hebrew in Harmony.
Here are some strategies to get parents comfortable and on board:
Want to set an upbeat tone for your Hebrew curriculum, starting on DAY ONE?
Introduce Hebrew in Harmony by focusing first on the music – the driving force behind the program that will help students and teachers connect with the material right away.
(Hebrew in Harmony assumes students can already decode, so be sure you’ve assessed their decoding skills at the beginning of the school year.)
The following introductory lesson will give students a taste of what’s ahead and help them acclimate to the new materials.
Advance preparation: All the music for the series is in the digital app. Music for each prayer includes a traditional melody plus 3-4 mu
We all respond to music in powerful ways. For students learning Hebrew prayer, music allows them to make a spiritual connection with the message and theme of prayers.
Watch how one fifth grade class in New Jersey connects with music related to the Yotzer Or prayer.
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