Always allow 24-48 hours for picking and packing your order before calculating ship time, especially when requesting UPS next day or second day service. Also, orders that include items printed on demand require additional time.
Parent support and encouragement is key to student learning. This is especially true when introducing a new curriculum that has an at-home component, such as Hebrew in Harmony.
Here are some strategies to get parents comfortable and on board:
• Make sure children are utterly familiar with the app before sending home information to parents. Use it in class to play the music and watch the introductory videos. Give students opportunities to practice reading Hebrew and playing the games so they can later teach their parents how the app works. The app is available on all devices, and we recommend accessing via an iPad for the best experience.
• Hold a parent session to demonstrate the app (that their children have already excitedly told them about) and explain the benefits of regular Hebrew practice at home
• Send parents alink to a free demo of the app so they can try it out. Hebrew in Harmony Digital is a universal app that is usable on all devices: tablets, smartphones, or laptops.
• Send parents detailed instructions for how to download and access the app. A one-sheet how-to guide with screen shots is available here.
• Send out weekly emails to families highlighting what students have been working on in class, with a reminder to open the app and supplement that learning.