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Creation Colors

The days of creation, told with an emphasis on the vibrant colors of our world.
Grade Level:
Age Level:

In the beginning, there was nothing. No colors at all. Day by day by day, God poured and planted and created the colors of the world. God said, "This is very good." And it was.

This lyrical story pairs each day of Creation with a color. On the first day, God separated the crisp, strong blacks from the wintry, pale whites. On day two, God poured bubbling blues across the skies and into the watery oceans and seas…. The story continues until the sixth day, which celebrates the diversity of animals and people, and ends with the seventh day when God rested.

A note to readers invites children to spot the colors around them, and to notice details in the world with fresh eyes and with wonder.


"This is an absolutely beautiful book which celebrates the wonders of God's creation through exquisite papercut illustrations. It's rare that a children's book with this level of craftsmanship comes along today, and Koffsky has truly created a work to treasure, a modern classic you'll want to keep in good shape for the grandchildren. Each spread is richer and more extravagant than the last, showcasing an interplay of colours, shapes, and textures through the luminous illustrations. Eminently readable and read-out-loudable, this is one book Jewish and Christian parents and teachers will love sharing over and over again to join with kids in appreciating all the marvels of creation."

— Jennifer MacLeod, author of Fast Asleep in a Little Village in Israel

"Creation Colors is a wondrous adventure with an original approach to the story of Creation through colors. I immediately delved into each page and experienced the colors of the luminous illustrations and the brief text that captures the kernel of each day's creation. I loved this book also because Ann Koffsky's paper-cut illustrations allow the reader/viewer to actively dialogue with them and the story. This is the kind of imaginative book that should be open on an adult's lap turning the pages together with a child as they discover inspiring questions and more stories together. What a treasure!"
— Peninnah Schram

"To achieve the dis­tinc­tive tech­nique used to cre­ate the tex­tured art, not­ed artist and illus­tra­tor Koff­sky com­bined acrylic paint on can­vas with over­laid cut-paper designs, result­ing in a painter­ly style enriched by crisp lines. The col­ors are rich­land the art­work beau­ti­ful­ly evokes the themes of the book. ...This book is rec­om­mend­ed as an excel­lent read-aloud with time to be spent exam­in­ing the beau­ti­ful art work; it will be espe­cial­ly wel­comed in Jew­ish preschool classes."
— Jewish Book Council