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Fast Asleep in a Little Village in Israel

Tiphanie Beeke

The sounds of Mrs. Strauss's Israeli village keep her awake, but the gentle patter of long awaited rain is a welcome addition to the noise.

Grade Level:
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Kukurikuuuu! squawks the rooster. Meoowowwwwww! yowls the cat. ZZZZZzzzzzzz,

buzzes the mosquito . . .

It is the end of a hot, dry summer, and Mrs. Strauss just can’t fall asleep. “Sheket! Quiet!”  she tells the animals.

At last she falls asleep, only to be woken up again by something her little village in Israel has been waiting for all summer long . . . the sound of much-needed rain.

Told with humor and quiet warmth, this story perfectly captures the sights and sounds of a small town in Israel, and the joy that comes with the country’s first winter rains.


"It is the end of a hot, dry summer, and Mrs. Strauss just can't fall asleep. But when at last she falls asleep, something wakes her up again -- something her little village in Israel has been waiting for all summer long! The collaborative work of author Jennifer MacLeod and illustrator/artist Tiphanie Beeke, Fast Asleep in a Little Village in Israel is a wonderfully charming and thoroughly entertaining picture book story for children ages 2-5 that is unreservedly recommended for family, daycare center, preschool, kindergarten, and community library collections."
— Midwest Book Review

"Ever wonder what sound a rooster makes in Hebrew? You’ll find out in this touching children’s book that takes place in a small village in Israel. With an infusion of Hebrew words and Israeli cultural nuances, and with soft watercolor illustrations by Tiphanie Beeke, this book will help you hear the sounds of rural Israel and help your youngster get a peek at everyday life here — noisy as it can be."
— Israel21c