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It's a Mitzvah

For all of us who want to deepen our Jewish commitment but don't know how to begin. Note: This product is printed when you order it. When you include this product, your order will take 5-7 additional days to ship.
Grade Level:

An open door for all of us who want to deepen our Jewish commitment; but don't know how or where to begin. From lighting Shabbat candles to spending a night in a homeless shelter, this guide to Jewish living presents simple steps to incorporate the rich tradition of Jewish values into everyday life. Each chapter focuses on one mitzvah--both its traditional and contemporary significance--plus ways to put the mitzvah into practice. Addressing ritual-based and social-action mitzvot, this book offers a wealth of opportunities to grow Jewishly.


  • Ahavat Tziyon: Zionism and Israel
  • Bal Tash'hit: Preserving the Earth
  • Bikkur Holim: Visiting the Sick
  • Hakhnasat Orhim: Hospitality
  • Kashrut: The Dietary Laws
  • Kibbud Av va-Em: Honoring Parents
  • Ma'akhil R'evim: Feeding the Hungry
  • Pidyon Sh'vuyim: Redeeming the Captives
  • Rodef Shalom: Seeking Peace
  • Shabbat: Day of Rest and Renewal
  • Sh'mirat ha-Lashon: Guarding Your Tongue
  • Talmud Torah: Study and Learning
  • Tefillah: Prayer, Tallit, Tefilin, Mezuzah
  • Teshuvah: Repentance and Turning
  • Tza'ar Ba'alei Hayyim: Compassion to Animals

Discovering ways to practice Judaism every day can change our lives. Here is the book to begin the journey. It's a Mitzvah! is a rare commodity: a practical book to change your spiritual life. Rabbi Artson provides everything we need to begin and sustain a religious journey. This is a marvelous book written by a teacher who deeply understands not only the Jewish tradition, but the needs of those exploring this ancient wisdom and rich heritage.