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Kol Yisrael provides a dual focus on home observance and b'nai mitzvah prep. Note: This product is printed when you order it. When you include this product, your order will take 5-7 additional days to ship.
In Kol Yisrael students meet Ben, Batya and their talking goldfish, Doug.
In Level 1, students learn the blessings and prayers that help them comfortably participate in Jewish rituals such as reciting Shabbat and holiday blessings, and singing the Mah Nishtanah.
Prayers included in Kol Yisrael 1 by lesson:
Modeh/Modah Ani
Brachot shel Mitzvah
Brachot shel Shabbat
Brachot shel Yom Tov
Mah Nishtanah
Birkat HaMazon
Plus, "Wrap It Up" reinforcement activities.