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Let's Explore Being Jewish: Mitzvot

In this 16-page magazine the students will discover that the mitzvot, God's commandments to the Jewish people, are the foundation of our heritage. They relate to all areas of our lives - the practice of our rituals, our relationships with God and with our families and neighbors, and our responsibilities to our environment. Taken together, the mitzvot are the Jewish way of looking after the world and every living thing in it.

Grade Level:
In this 16-page magazine the students will discover that the mitzvot, God's commandments to the Jewish people, are the foundation of our heritage. They relate to all areas of our lives - the practice of our rituals, our relationships with God and with our families and neighbors, and our responsibilities to our environment. Taken together, the mitzvot are the Jewish way of looking after the world and every living thing in it.