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Let There Be Play: Bringing Bible to Life with Young Children

Grade Level:

Let There Be Play is the perfect story and activity book to spark children's imaginative exploration of the Bible. 

This creative approach helps children develop a sense of wonder about the Bible by employing storytelling, dramatic play,  arts and crafts. Featuring 54 chapters over 200 pages and focused on stories from Genesis through Deuteronomy, this storybook and activity guide is a rich resource for parents and educators alike.

Author Jonathan Shmidt Chapman uses his extensive theater training to inspire cues for imaginative play. Questions and conversation starters help kids relate themes in the Bible stories to their own lives, with a focus on character growth and values. Conversation prompts and activity ideas encourage parents to engage in hands-on play and learning with their children. Each chapter includes biblical citation for the source of the included story, the Hebrew notation for the name of the specific portion, and a materials list that features readily available household items and toys.

Parents from both Jewish and Christian traditions can introduce their children ages 4-7 to Bible stories in a fun, accessible way that will feel comfortable whether their families are more religiously observant or more secular. Jewish educators as well as progressive Christian educators will discover fresh, modern ways to teach the Five Books of Moses to young children with sections broken down into convenient weekly portions. Includes a brief overview for adults to the Bible stories told in the book, tips for exploring Bible with younger children, and guidelines for adapting activities for all abilities and learning styles.