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Meshuggah Food Faces

Edible artwork for a crazy world.
Grade Level:

It's a meshuggah* world, so we might as well have some fun.

And, really, who doesn't like to play with their food?

Nothing is more Jewish than a plate full of food. Especially when that food talks back! From blustery bagels and blueberries to humorous hamantaschen and hummus, this irreverent table of meshuggah food faces will make you smile and want to play with your food.

*Meshuggah (Yiddish): crazy, foolish



Bill Wurtzel is an artist and jazz musician, so improvisation, even with food, comes naturally to him. In his previous career as an advertising creative director, he won more than 200 awards. Bill began making food art to amuse his wife, Claire, when they were married in 1961. Today, Bill and Claire conduct workshops using his food art to make it fun for children and families to learn about nutrition.

Claire Wurtzel is an educator. She was a professor at the Bank Street College of Education and is currently the co-educational director of Hidden Sparks. When Claire was a child, her mother made challah and shaped the extra dough into funny objects like little birds or feet with cinnamon and raisins to look like dirt between the toes. Bill is carrying on the tradition.
Bill and Claire have collaborated four books of food art.