Min Ha’aretz fosters discussion of the ways both contemporary and Jewish values can help us make choices. For example, the dilemma of whether to eat meat, and if so, how much and what kind, is discussed both from a modern values perspective (factory farming, sustainability) as well from a Jewish values point of view (caring for animals or tza’ar ba’alei hayim).
The journal also helps connect students to the spiritual meanings that we can gain through our food choices. For example, the Jewish value of sh’mirat ha’guf, (caring about our health) can help us choose to eat in moderation, be more aware of where our foods come from, and help us have gratitude for the food we are able to enjoy and partake of.
To Grow
1 Planting Seeds
2 Caring for the Land
To Harvest
3 Our Daily Bread
4 Jewish Food around the World
5 Food Miles
To Raise Animals
6 Animals and Us
7 Kashrut
To Eat
8 Blessing the Meal
9 Sharing Food
To Sustain
10 Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Caring for Our Bodies
12 Moderation
Bringing It All Together
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: Hazon is the leading Jewish sustainability organization in North America, and it stands at the forefront of a new Jewish food movement. It combines the wisdom of ancient tradition with contemporary knowledge about the environment to help guide individuals, families, and communities to be stewards of the earth and more educated, empowered consumers.
For more information visit: www.behrmanhouse.com/min-haaretz