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Monster Bar Mitzvah

Dustin Evans
Sometimes the monster under the bed is REAL . . . and a real mischief maker as well.
Grade Level:
Age Level:
In this unusual graphic novel for younger readers, Eli is feeling left out of the family’s preparations for his older brother’s bar mitzvah. He wants to help but can’t seem to do anything right. Then he meets the monster under his bed, and things begin to change . . . but not always for the better. Will Eli be able to get the monster under control in time for the big event, or will there just be more and more chaos?  
Chapter 1: Summer Starts

Chapter 2: A Mysterious Friend

Chapter 3: A Helping Hand

Chapter 4: Time for a Party!

The Punchline

What if the monster under the bed was REAL? 

Eli's big brother's bar mitzvah is coming up and no one has time for Eli, especially not his brother. Eli wants to help, but every time he tries, he just messes up. It's looking like it will be the most boring summer ever. But then, Eli makes a surprising new friend.

There's never been a summer--or a bar mitzvah--like this before!

"Kids will sure­ly relate to this graph­ic nov­el and its pro­tag­o­nist Eli, the younger broth­er of super-suc­cess­ful Adam, who is spend­ing the sum­mer prepar­ing for his upcom­ing bar mitz­vah. Eli’s friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers are all busy with their own tasks, leav­ing Eli feel­ing neglect­ed. With a lit­tle ​“help” from a mis­chie­vous mon­ster named Brisket, Eli spends his time mess­ing up and get­ting into trou­ble instead of sup­port­ing his fam­i­ly dur­ing a very busy time.

After receiv­ing some encour­ag­ing words from his fam­i­ly, Eli and Brisket step up and become true helpers instead of mis­chief mak­ers. What’s more, Eli even gives his big broth­er the con­fi­dence he needs to lead the Torah ser­vice at his bar mitzvah.

With bright and engag­ing illus­tra­tions, Mon­ster Bar Mitz­vah is a book that all kids will enjoy — but it’ll be a par­tic­u­lar hit among younger siblings."   --Paula Chaiken, Jewish Book Council