Are you looking for a high school curriculum that brings to life issues directly related to your students? Sex in the Texts may be your answer.
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Are you looking for a high school curriculum that brings to life issues directly related to your students? Would you like to help your students improve their text skills? Sex in the Texts may be your answer.
Rabbi Paul Yedwab, author of several books, introduces students to controversial texts and related commentary from our tradition, ranging from B'reishit to other biblical, rabbinic, kabbalistic, and responsa texts. These are the stories and narratives not usually discussed in the classroom. Though it may sometimes be uncomfortable to talk about these texts, this collection make it clear that in its more than 4000-year history, Judaism has had an astonishing breadth in its perceptions on every aspect of our sexual lives. Sex in the Texts will enable students to make connections between the texts and their lives and help them learn Jewish perspectives on sexuality, love, and marriage, as well as topics like deception, abortion, adultery, and rape.