This hardcover teacher resource explores the intriguing parallels between the Jewish holidays and the educator's year, helping educators understand how the school year can be framed and shaped by the Jewish holidays. Each chapter draws on the holidays' core ideas and symbols to help define, structure, and deepen the classroom experience. For example, the chapter on Sukkot-a time when we traditionally welcome guests-discusses ways to make the classroom, like the sukkah, an inviting, sheltering place rich in symbols. Attractive bulletin boards and a stimulating environment can help students feel pride in their classroom and excite them about the possibilities of new learning.
Ideal for both seasoned and novice teachers as a back-to-school welcome gift, for Hanukkah, or as a thank you at the end of the school year. Perfect for teachers to read on their own or discuss in faculty development sessions.
1. The Fall Holidays: Looking Back, Setting Goals, and Moving Ahead
2. Hanukkah: Building Jewish Identity
3. Tu B'Shevat: Planting, Nurturing, Blossoming
4. Purim: Teaching as Celebration
5. Passover: Four Lessons from a Classic Textbook
6. Shavuot: Celebrating a Life of Mitzvot
7. Shabbat: The Jewish Educator's Summer
Bonnie K. Stevens received her A.B. from Kenyon College and her Ph.D. from Boston College. A religious school teacher for over fifteen years and a religious school principal for five, she is now teaching in a Cleveland-area Jewish day school. She has published two college textbooks and (as B. K. Stevens) over thirty short stories.
- Each chapter concludes with descriptions of other books, websites, and resources for further teaching ideas and information.
- An appendix offers discussion questions and activities corresponding to each chapter, for schools to use in faculty development sessions.
Teach Them Diligently will help your teachers see the new school year as an opportunity for learning, joy, and spiritual growth.