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The New Siddur Program: Book 1

Your students already have a basic prayer vocabulary. Now they're ready to build a strong foundation for siddur study.
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Grade Level:

Your students already have a basic prayer vocabulary. Now they're ready to build a strong foundation for siddur study with a unique, lively combination of prayer materials, activities, and stories.

    • Builds knowledge progressively, beginning with the simplest and most common grammatical structures

    • Prayer excerpts present siddur vocabulary in its proper liturgical context

    • Reading practice of key prayers builds siddur fluency, while developing an understanding of the underlying Jewish values

    • Activities facilitate translation and comprehension of key siddur words

    • Stories with contemporary themes introduce siddur vocabulary in a modern Hebrew context

    • Checkpoints monitor student progress to ensure success

Bring the language of Hebrew prayer to life in your classroom.

Download complimentary Teaching Guide for The New Siddur Program prayer reading skills

" The New Siddur Program books are attractive and easy to use and--most important to us--there's a relationship between siddur Hebrew and modern language. The parents are excited about the interrelationship; they feel it has relevance for their children."
Joan Schoenfeld
Downtown Jewish Community School
Toronto, Canada