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The New Siddur Program: Book 2 - Prayer Reading Skills Workbook

Students build on the skills they learned in Book 1 and continue on the path to siddur Hebrew mastery, with extra attention paid to comprehension of prayer words and concepts.

Grade Level:

Students build on the skills they learned in Book 1 and continue on the path to siddur Hebrew mastery, with extra attention paid to comprehension of prayer words and concepts.

    • Fluent Prayer Reading--consistent prayer-reading practice builds siddur fluency

    • Prayer Readiness--conceptual introductions motivate students and enliven prayer reading

    • Prayer Practice--prayer excerpts reinforce siddur vocabulary

    • Written Prayer Exercises--drills common prayer words and siddur translation

    • Illustrative Stories--present siddur vocabulary in contemporary settings

    • Continuous Reinforcement--each lesson builds on prior lessons, providing automatic review

    • Checkpoints--students' progress is measured throughout