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The New Siddur Program: Book 3

The unique format of Book 3 recognizes students' ability to work more directly and actively with prayer material than ever before. 

Grade Level:

The unique format of Book 3 recognizes students' ability to work more directly and actively with prayer material than ever before. 

Each lesson begins with a prayer. Reading exercises continue to promote siddur fluency, while grammar exercises bolster vocabulary comprehension with a strong emphasis on roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Each
lesson concludes with a traditional story that illustrates the theme of the prayer. Stories include:

    • Why did King Solomon build the Holy Temple in Jerusalem?

    • How did Rabbi Hillel show his love for God through Torah study?

    • Why did Rabbi Akiba study Torah in the face of great personal danger?

    • How did Rabbi Joshua teach a Roman king that there is only one God?

Upon completing Book 3, students will have achieved basic prayer literacy. They will have learned all of the prayers in the Shabbat Morning Service, selections from the Friday Evening Service, and blessings
recited at home.