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Today's Torah: Parashat HaShavua Online 35 Users

This package gives you up to 35 user (students) for Today's Torah: Parashat HaShavua Online.
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Activate Today's Torah 35 User


Finally—the online b’nai mitzvah study tool you’ve been waiting for is here.

Today’s Torah: Parashat HaShavua Online offers easy online access to listen, read, and practice every Torah portion, with options that let you customize the experience that works best for your setting and your learners. It is simple for clergy and staff to set up, works on all devices, and is available by subscription in a variety of packages to make it affordable whether you have two students or two hundred in your program.

We recommend Today’s Torah as an online supplement to our Parashat Hashavua booklets, which provide summaries, commentary, and the relevant haftarah for each Torah portion, which are not included in the online tool.

See a video about Today’s Torah here.

Using Today’s Torah your b’nai mitzvah students can:

  • • Listen to their Torah portion chanted in the trope style you prefer:  Binder/Avery,  Jerusalem/Sephardic, or recordings specific for your synagogue that you upload yourself.
  • • See their Torah portion in Hebrew, English, or Hebrew with English translation.
  • • Progress in reading their Torah portion from using trope marks and vowels, to reading without trope marks or vowels, to practicing using the actual Torah font (tikkun style).
  • • Practice individual verses using the font size that is easiest for them to read.
  • • Work on their chanting from anywhere—even in the car on the way to meet with the cantor!

Today’s Torah allows clergy and staff flexibility to:

  • • Add students and assign Torah portions to them in several simple, straightforward steps.
  • • Easily remove students who have completed their studies and fill those spots with incoming students.
  • • Choose the specific verses you want to assign to each student, from as few as two verses to the entire Torah portion. Your student will see only the verses you assign.
  • • Assign just a few verses at first and then, if desired, add more as the student progresses.
  • • Designate one of the two provided chanting styles or upload your own recordings for your students to use.
  • • Manage your own recordings with ease. Your recordings are private and will stay in your account for as long as you wish. They can be made available to multiple students. You can upload up to 3GB of mp3 files (enough for 5,852 verses).
  • • Make a recording of your own using a link to a free online voice recorder.
  • • Send students simple-to-use links direct to their own Torah portions for practice.
  • • Provide colleagues and staff access to help manage the account, and/or to work with individual students on their specific portions.