Today’s Torah is available in eight different subscriber options, depending on the number of active students you have in your program each year to keep this unique tool affordable. Your subscription begins on the date you place your order and is good for one year. During that time you can remove students who have completed their program and fill those spots with new students.
Be sure to log into your account at (or create one!) before purchasing Today’s Torah. The subscription will live in your account, and you will manage it from there.
Choose the package that best matches the number of ACTIVE students you expect to have at one time over the coming year. Add to your cart and pay. Your subscription will be added to your account automatically.
Subscription packages available:
- • 2 students - $50 per year
- • 5 students - $75 per year
- • 10 students - $150 per year
- • 15 students - $225 per year
- • 20 students - $300 per year
- • 35 students - $525 per year
- • 50 students - $750 per year
- • 100 students - $1000 per year
Again, each subscription is for the number of ACTIVE students for that year; as students complete their study, you can reassign those spots at no additional charge during the subscription year. Subscriptions begin on the date of purchase, are active for 12 months, and are renewable each year. You do not need subscriptions for staff or colleagues who are working with your students. Today’s Torah is available ONLY at
When your subscription period ends, (one year from original purchase), you will see a link to purchase a new subscription at
When you renew, you can purchase the same level subscription OR you can change to a larger or smaller one depending on the number of students you expect. Enter the order number from that purchase into your Today’s Torah page to reactivate your subscription. Today’s Torah will adjust the number of active students allowed. All your recordings and student assignments will still be there.
IMPORTANT: if you purchase multiple subscriptions, you will need to manage multiple, separate online accounts. They cannot be linked, so it is best to get the package that best matches your actual number of active students. If your program grows, you can increase the number of students when you renew. If you have fewer students, you can renew with a smaller subscription package.