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Yiddish Saves the Day

Hector Borlasca
A bad day is helped by kvetching (grumbling) in Yiddish to the whole mishpachah (family)
Grade Level:
Age Level:

Oy Vey! Such bad mazel you are having. You tripped, banged your shnoz and fell on your tuchus. Then, oy vey is mir, you lost your vocab notebook the day before the big test! But don’t worry, don’t kvetch, your whole mishpachais here to help you, and they have plenty of unique, Yiddish words that’ll help you ace that test like a MAVEN!

So quietly sit like the MENTSH that you are,


Collect your gold star!


"Hec­tor Borlasca’s vibrant­ly col­or­ful pic­tures are an appeal­ing vehi­cle for Levy’s mes­sage. Even at the worst moments dur­ing the boy’s dilem­ma, peo­ple are smil­ing and every scene is full of pur­pose-dri­ven action. Ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry cloth­ing and fur­ni­ture give the book a nos­tal­gic feel. At the bot­tom of most pages, a play­ful cat climbs on a word box with def­i­n­i­tions and a pro­nun­ci­a­tion guide to the Yid­dish words used. Spo­ken Yid­dish today is large­ly found in Cha­sidic and oth­er tra­di­tion­al­ly Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ties. The Yid­dish once spo­ken broad­ly among Ashke­naz­ic Jews, from sec­u­lar to obser­vant, and the cor­ner­stone of an incred­i­ble body of lit­er­a­ture, has fad­ed from dai­ly life. Read­ers can kvell that Yid­dish Saves the Day brings this world back to life for read­ers too young to have known it was gone.Yid­dish Saves the Day is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed for chil­dren as well as adults who love the mamaloshen."

— Jewish Book Council