Yoga Shalom is a unique worship experience that brings together body, mind, and spirit for an extraordinary prayer service. Combining the two powerful spiritual disciplines of Jewish worship and yoga practice, Yoga Shalom leads to deeper understandings of both, or as author Lisa Levine writes of her initial forays into yoga as a cantorial student, “I learned to be more present in my prayers and meditations so I could better pray with and on behalf of my congregation.”
Yoga Shalom can be adapted and the postures customized for your congregation, studio, or private practice, and can be done in the community of a class or in the privacy of your own home. As an alternative to the traditional prayer service, Yoga Shalom can engage and unite your professional staff, lay leadership, and community. Whether you have no yoga experience or have been practicing for years, and regardless of your age or abilities, Yoga Shalom will help you relax your body, calm your mind, and nurture your spirit.
• Detailed, easy-to-follow instructions
• Dozens of photographs
• Advanced, gentle, and chair modifications for each posture sequence
• 17-track CD to accompany your practice, featuring the music of well-known Jewish artists Craig Taubman, Jeff Klepper, Lisa Levine, and many more
• Full-length DVD of the complete practice