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Jewish & Me Mitzvot

Introduce mitzvot to your youngest students with Jewish and Me: Mitzvot, a set of eight 4-page folders for the early childhood classroom, focusing on mitzvot, values, developmental skills, and social skills.
Grade Level:

Introduce mitzvot to your youngest students with Jewish and Me: Mitzvot, a set of eight 4-page folders for the early childhood classroom, focusing on mitzvot, values, developmental skills, and social skills.

Children will identify ways they can create shlom bayit (peace in the home), practice recycling to take care of the environment, make a card or gift for someone who does not feel well, and more. Short text, colorful photos, the familiar JAM cat, and playful activities and questions will engage childrens interest and lead to meaningful classroom experiences. Send each folder home with your students to involve families in their child learning.

Special Features:

  • Connect values to Jewish experiences, such as sharing hallah with family members, welcoming guests to the sukkah, and learning Hebrew words such as haveirim (friends) or hesed (kindness).
  • Create hands-on experiences to reinforce the learning, such as making a card for someone who doesn't feel well, or setting out a birdfeeder.
  • Bring the learning home with fun At Home activities and Family Talk questions.

Visit for recipes, songs, and other extras to extend your lesson plans.


  1. Doing Mitzvot
  2. Taking Care of Myself (Shmirat Haguf)
  3. Giving Tzedakah
  4. Simhat Torah
  5. Sh'lom Bayit
  6. Being Kind (Derech Eretz)
  7. Helping Others Feel Better (Bikur Holim)
  8. Caring for Animals (Tzaar Baalei Hayim)
  9. Protecting the Environment (Bal Tashh'it)

Download the free Teacher's Guide here