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Jewish & Me Set Fall&Spring

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1 x Jewish & Me: Fall Holidays   + $0.01
1 x Jewish & Me: Spring Holidays   + $0.01

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Jewish & Me Set Fall&Spring
Jewish & Me Set Fall&Spring

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    The Jewish and Me series of classroom magazines helps pre-schoolers discover the joys of our holiday traditions while reinforcing core developmental skills such as counting, creative movement, and expressive language. Each four-page folder provides content-rich photographs of young children celebrating the holidays, age-appropriate text, playful illustrations, and thought-provoking questions and activities designed to engage children and build Jewish identity. For example, on Rosh Hashanah children make a birthday wish for the world, on Hanukkah they spin like a dreidel, and on Passover they sing Dayenu and tell the Passover story. Teachers can extend the hands-on learning in school and at home with a Jewish and Me website full of holiday songs, recipes, and games.

    Jewish and Me: Fall Holidays
    - Rosh Hashanah
    - Yom Kippur
    - Sukkot
    - Simchat Torah
    - Celebrating Shabbat
    - Celebrating Hanukkah
    - The Story of Hanukkah
    - My Fall Holidays

    Jewish and Me: Spring Holidays
    - Tu B'Shevat
    - Shabbat Blessings
    - Purim
    - Celebrating Passover
    - The Story of Passover
    - Yom Ha'atzma'ut
    - Shavuot
    - My Spring Holidays