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Cultivate Kindness, Early and Often
It seems that the world needs more kindness, and now more than ever. But what is kindness, and how do we develop it in ourselves and others?
Let's Discover Kindness aims to help young children explore kindness and the character traits that contribute to kindness, such as empathy, gratitude, and respect, through a Jewish lens.
Students will use role-playing, mindfulness activities, personal reflection, and more to explore their emotional responses to the themes and begin to foster those traits in themselves.
This multi-media set provides the tools you need to work with students whether you are meeting in person, by video conference, in online tutorial sessions or in some combination.
What You Get:
You get a physical copy of Let's Discover Kindness (one copy of each of the folders listed below) plus access to use the enhanced online turn page version with one student through July 2022.
Included in the enhanced turn page version is a set of tips specifically for teaching with Let's Discover Kindness in distance learning settings plus selected printable pdf pages for student use.
Use the printed folders to let learners follow along during online sessions, and to involve families. Use the turn-page access in a share-your-screen mode with learners in groups or one-on-one online. Provide remote learners the selected pdf pages to print in situations or locations where the folders are not available to the student. Check the downloadable teaching tips pdf for ideas and further guidance.
Access to Let's Discover Kindness turn page materials is purchased and granted per student to keep your costs as low as possible. You do not need to purchase separate access for teachers or madrichim.
Special Features
Folder One: Kindness
Folder Two: Empathy
Folder Three: Kindness to Yourself
Folder Four: Gratitude
Folder Five: Respect
Folder Six: Acceptance
Folder Seven: Forgiveness
Folder Eight: A Kinder World
To get the full benefit of Let's Discover Kindness you will also need the fully annotated Teacher's Edition (one per teacher). (See the link below.)
A few techie things you need to know:
What exactly am I purchasing?
You are purchasing a package that includes a physical copy of the book PLUS access to an enhanced digital turn-page version of the book, with permission to share it with one student in a remote learning setting.
You have access to the turn-page version for one year. The turn-page version is an exact duplicate of the physical book, including the same page numbering. We’ve enhanced it by also including teaching tips unique to the material and selected printable PDF pages for students’ use.
Are turn-page materials returnable?
The print portion of a turn-page package is returnable. The digital turn-page portion of the package is NOT returnable.
Do I need to purchase a turn-page package for each student?
Yes. Turn-page access is not a replacement for a physical book. It is a tool to help teachers in remote learning environments. Students need their materials whether they’re learning remotely or in-person.
Do I need to purchase a turn-page package for each teacher?
No. Access to the turn-page version is provided based on the number of students you wish to use it with. For example, if you have 10 students in a class, you would purchase 10 turn-page sets (you will get 10 physical books + permission to use the turn-page version with 10 students). The turn-page access can then be shared with any teacher(s) or madrichim working directly with those 10 students, at no additional charge.
If the teacher is sharing their screen to show the turn-page version, why do I need to purchase multiple copies?
You are not purchasing multiple copies of the turn-page version. You are paying for permission to use the turn-page version with a certain number of students. In other words, purchases are made according to the number of people who are viewing the turn-page version, not how many are showing it.
Can I purchase access to the turn-page version separately from the physical book?
No. Access to the turn-page version is combined with a physical book. Turn-page access is not a replacement for a physical book. It is designed to make it simpler for teachers to work with learners remotely, guiding their learning. Even in remote learning settings, ideal learning is multi-modal. When learners have the physical materials, they have more control over their learning, can see the material in person, can more easily work with others in breakout groups, and better complete independent work away from the screen.
Having the print materials also ensures that you can maintain continuity in programming regardless of where your learners are meeting. This is especially important if you might be switching between remote and in-person learning. Having the physical book also gets children away from their screens and guides them through hands-on activities.
After I purchase the turn-page package, how do I access the digital version?
Log in to the account on from which you made the purchase. From the top menu, click Account. Then click My Downloadable Products from the menu on the left. Select the item you wish to use.
Do teachers or students need a Behrman House account to view the turn-page version?
No. The person who made the purchase can share the link directly with the teacher (see above). The link immediately opens the turn-page version, and teachers can then share their screens on video conference platforms with the students for whom access was purchased. Students are not likely to need direct access to the turn-page themselves. They will have their physical copies for independent work, chevruta work in breakout groups, etc.
Can I see a sample of the turn-page to try it out?
As with all our student materials, you are invited to order a copy at a 30% discount for review. This will allow you to try it out and test out the process for purchase, access, and use of the materials – so you can feel comfortable knowing exactly how it all works. Contact to request your review copies.
We have books left over from last year or have already placed our order for this school year. Do we have to buy the books again to have turn-page access?
Please contact and we’ll work with you make sure you have just what you need.
What do the turn-page materials look like?
Take a short tour through the Behrman House digital turn-page materials: what they look like, the supplemental teacher support materials and student printables, and overview of how to purchase and access the digital materials.