Schools across the country are using The Teacher Planner: Calendars, Tools, and Templates for the Purposeful Jewish Educator. While some directors choose to use The Teacher Planner as a gift to their educators at the start of the year, many educators have opted to pick up a copy for their own personal use.

How can you use The Teacher Planner in your own classroom? Read on to see the features this helpful resource has to offer.

Structured Lesson Planning:
The Teacher Planner has several pages devoted to lesson planning, all with intentional prompts and reminders of everything to consider before presenting your lessons to your students.  These lesson plan sheets include room to brainstorm:

  • - Learner goals
  • - Lesson structure, which includes planning space for the activities included and the time required
  • - Materials necessary for completing your lessons
  • - Room for reflections on this particular lesson, whenever those reflections strike you
  • - Reminders, such as special needs, homework, and events.

Each year that we teach, we approach the year with a new set of personal and professional goals. The Teacher Planner offers a template for mindful planning to not only achieve those goals but to check in along the way.

You can try planning out your yearly goals for free with this downloadable resource.

Mitzvot in Action:
Lead your students to good choices and encourage them to help the world around them with The Teacher Planner’s ‘Mitzvot in Action’ page. The left column provides the mitzvah along with the Hebrew equivalent and transliteration. Teachers can then reference the right column, which offers one example per mitzvah of an activity students can do to lend a hand to their school and surrounding community.


After a long day of guiding your students, flip to the end of The Teacher Planner to find simple techniques for practicing mindfulness. Our mindfulness pages define the practice for those who are new and offer examples of practices that are specific to the Jewish educator. Check in with your breathing, notice physical sensations, practice compassion, pray with kavanah, and more.

Contact us today to purchase The Teacher Planner: Calendars, Tools, and Templates for the Purposeful Jewish Educator for your teaching staff – orders of five or more receive a quantity discount.