B’nai Mitzvah students now have an easy way to listen, read, and practice their Torah portion – online, and on all devices.
Today’s Torah: Parashat HaShavua Online integrates technology with tradition, bringing a modern tool to the ancient practice of learning to chant Torah.
Today’s Torah works on all devices and is available by subscription in a variety of packages to make it affordable whether you have two students or two hundred in your program. It can be customized for your students and setting, and is simple for clergy and staff to set up.
How It Works
From the welcome screen, clergy or staff can manage students or upload their own recordings.

Managing students
You can:
- Add students and assign them Torah portions (see screen image below).
- Choose the specific verses you want to assign to each student, from as few as two verses to the entire Torah portion. Your student will see only the verses you assign
- Designate the chanting style you prefer: Binder/Avery, Jerusalem/Sephardic, or recordings specific for your synagogue that you upload yourself.
- Send students simple-to-use links direct to their own Torah portions for practice.
- Provide colleagues and staff access to help manage the account, and/or to work with individual students on their specific portions.

What B’nai Mitzvah Students See
- Students see their name and assigned Torah portion at the top of the screen.
- They can choose to view their readings in Hebrew only, English only, or Hebrew with English translation (see screen image below). They can progress in reading their Torah portion from using trope marks and vowels, to reading without trope marks or vowels, to practicing using the actual Torah font (tikkun style).
- They can also adjust the font size of individual verses to a size that is easiest for them to read.

What B'nai Mitzvah Students Hear
- You can choose which chanting style you want students to learn.
- There are two common trope styles already built into the system: Binder/Avery and Jerusalem/Sephardic. Each verse of the Torah is available in both tropes.
- You can also upload into Today's Torah recordings specific to your synagogue. These could be recordings you may already have, or you can make a recording of your own using a link to a free online voice recorder. (Note: You can upload up to 3GB of mp3 files, enough for all 5,852 verses). Your recordings are private and will stay in your account for as long as you wish. They can be made available to multiple students.
- When students click on one of their assigned verses, they will hear the audio of that verse in the chanting style you've selected for them.
How to Buy
Today’s Torah is available in eight different subscriber options, depending on the number of active students you have in your program each year to keep this unique tool affordable. Your subscription begins on the date you place your order and is good for one year. During that time you can remove students who have completed their program and fill those spots with new students.
Be sure to log into your account at behrmanhouse.com (or create one!) before purchasing Today’s Torah. The subscription will live in your account, and you will manage it from there.
Choose the package that best matches the number of ACTIVE students you expect to have at one time over the coming year. Add to your cart and pay. Your subscription will be added to your account automatically.
Subscription packages available:
- 2 students - $50 per year
- 5 students - $75 per year
- 10 students - $150 per year
- 15 students - $225 per year
- 20 students - $300 per year
- 35 students - $525 per year
- 50 students - $750 per year
- 100 students - $1000 per year