It's that time of year, so let's talk Hanukkah gifts. Here are our favorite gift recommendations for kids, retirees, teachers, artists and even you (yes, it's OK to treat yourself!). All of our Hanukkah suggestions are available on Amazon, and if you're a Prime member, you're eligible for free 2-day shipping.
Looking for teacher gifts for your school? Contact us about quantity discounts.
Right Side Up: Adventures in Chelm (ages 8-12)
Chelm for a new generation, with humorous, edgy illustrations in a timeless old country setting and a modern gender balance.
"Purists may be puzzled at first, but readers will find themselves loving these Chelmites." — Kirkus Reviews
Crocodile, You're Beautiful: Embracing Our Strengths and Ourselves (ages 5-8)
I have a body. You have a body.
But your body is different from mine.
Why? Because it is all yours.
You are in charge of your body.
Written by Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Crocodile, You're Beautiful is full of humor and warmth and her lessons about body image, confidence and standing-up for yourself shine through in this relatable, age appropriate tale.
Creation Colors (ages 3-7)
This lyrical story pairs each day of Creation with a color. On the first day, God separated the crisp, strong blacks from the wintry, pale whites. And so on. Invites children to spot the colors around them, and to notice details in the world with fresh eyes and with wonder.
"This book is recommended as an excellent read-aloud with time to be spent examining the beautiful art work." — Jewish Book Council
Hillel Takes a Bath (ages 4-7)
"Today, I will use this cloth to do a mitzvah!" Hillel the sage announced to his class.
He whisked the cloth off his shoulder and snapped it in the air. Hillel's students never knew what to expect from the rabbi. A mitzvah could be an act of kindness or the observance of a ritual. What did the rabbi mean? What mysterious mitzvah could it be?
"This lovely, magnificenty illustrated book keeps to the spirit of Hillel’s teaching by taking a higher concept and simplifying it so it can be easily understood." — Jewish Book Council
Regina Persisted: An Untold Story (ages 5-8)
This true story of the first woman ever ordained as a rabbi — in Germany in 1935 — inspires children to pursue their creams and to persist in the face of challenges.
National Jewish Book Award Finalist!
This collection of original Jewish-themed crosswords offers hours of entertainment, whether you’re a casual puzzler or challenge seeker, or somewhere in between. Contains:
Seltzertopia: The Extraordinary Story of an Ordinary Drink
A definitive and compelling tale of the fizzy drink that has captivated generations.
"Of the thousands of books written about seltzer water, this is by far my favorite - especially the part about me." - Mel Brooks
Based on more than fourteen years of research and countless interviews, and including more than 75 photos, Seltzertopia celebrates the fizzy magic of a simple drink.
From a creator of the groundbreaking best-selling The Jewish Catalog, comes a new resource for a new age. A tour for all of us "of a certain age" through the resources and skills to navigate the years between maturity and old age.
"Pragmatic, playful, and wise. It is an invitation to stop treating age as an enemy, as our culture suggests, and to claim its abundant gifts." -Krista Tippett, host of On Being and founder of The On Being Project
Oy Vey! A Yiddish Coloring Book
Coloring, shmoloring! You've had a bad day? Bubeleh, listen to me: go steal your kinder's crayons and pencils. It's time for you to start potchkeying with these fun, Yiddish-inspired coloring pages. Trust me, all your tsuris will melt away.
No, it doesn't matter if you've always been a klutz with color. This is the book for you, I tell you. So nu? What are you waiting for?
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