It's time for our 50 for 50 sale!

Save 50% off the purchase of 50 or more of any of our haggadot now through February 20. Feel free to mix and match - the sale price applies to any combination of the titles featured above. (Standard shipping rates apply.)

Use Promo Code: SEDER20

This sale even includes our two newest haggadot. Get them first and at a terrific price.

View the full list of our haggadot here.


The Essential Seder: A Contemporary Haggadah  - NEW!

 By Deborah Gross-Zuchman

This concise haggadah contains the essential elements for a short, authentic seder. Its small trim size, straightforward text, and bright collage art will capture the attention of all seder participants and spark lively conversation about social justice, freedom, and history. Ideal for the host or seder leader who wants to run a short but meaningful seder, bring a modern sensibility and fresh language to the observance, and add beauty to the seder table.

 What we overheard when we showed it at the URJ Biennial in December: “This has all the parts I want and none of the stuff I usually have to skip over!! And the good songs, too!”
40 pages.











The Promise of the Land: A Passover Haggadah - NEW!

 By Rabbi Ellen Bernstein, the founder of Shomrei Adamah, the first national Jewish environmental organization. Artwork by Galia Goodman.

Explore the connection between Passover and nature in this beautiful new haggadah that "will reopen the wonder of Passover, adding a deep layer of connection to the planet that makes the old rituals new for the 21st century," according to Bill Mckibben, Co-founder of 

At a time of growing awareness of our relationship with the natural world, this haggadah celebrates both our freedom and the role of nature in the seder and in our lives.

 From the unassuming matzah that reveals the simplicity of earth, wheat, and water, to the first fruits of the soil that the Israelites offered in gratitude, the earth has always been at the center of who we are as a people. Our well-being and our freedom ultimately depend on the earth's well-being.

This haggadah marries traditional texts with commentary from an ecological perspective, all illuminated by richly textured artwork that also pulls our attention to the land and its meaning. The beautiful artwork is a kaleidoscope of materials, colors and textures that express how the artist sees the world. Many of the landscape pieces are based on her own photography. 96 pages.

“Fresh, inspired! The Promise of the Land takes us on a journey from the narrowness of Egypt to the spaciousness of Gaia, teaching us the true meaning of freedom.
- Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Author of Surrendered—The Sacred Art




Use Promo Code: SEDER20


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