Coming to the ARJE Gathering? Don't miss these workshops led by Behrman House staff.
Monday, January 16 at 10:00 am
Beyond Tweaks: Driving Change in Your Hebrew Curriculum
Terry Kaye will facilitate a discussion among three ARJE educators—Emily Cohen, Temple Sinai, Sandy Springs, GA; Rabbi Rena Rifkin, Stephen Wise Free Synagogue, NYC; and Samara Schwartz, Congregation Beth Israel, Houston, TX—about the process of changing their Hebrew programs.
Educators are thinking long and hard about their Hebrew programs (“It’s where the rubber hits the road”). Hear directly from your colleagues about how they changed their Hebrew curriculum: set new goals; engaged parents, teachers, and students; what the practical changes look like—and how their Hebrew programs are working now, on the other side of the process. Educator presenters will share their new models such as small group and self-paced learning; driving toward skills-based results; and finding deep meaning in t’filah.
Monday, January 16 at 9:00 am
After the Visioning: How to Develop Practices and Staff Skills That Drive Change
Real change requires us to go beyond inspiration. It requires clear goals and a thoughtful articulation of the skills needed for implementation. Creating practices that help staff develop and employ these skills—skills anyone can learn--is an essential element of success. So how do we do that? Join Kim Bodemer, Senior Director of Jewish Learning and Youth Engagement at Temple Shalom of Newton, MA, and Vicki Weber, Partner at Behrman House, in a conversation about change management skills for the educational setting. Participants will learn about techniques for engaging staff and then collaborate to develop a template that can be used to clarify and assess specific skills needed to support the vision and mission of their institutions. Participants will consider how these tools can be used for ongoing professional development and supervision of any level of staffing, from full time colleagues to part time teachers.
Do you want to meet with someone from Behrman House during the ARJE gathering? Contact Terry Kaye or Joan Carr.