This is the first in a series of articles about how to gauge whether your students are meeting your Hebrew goals.
Ready to dive right into Hebrew when school starts? Make sure you know which swim level is right for your students.
Assessment is a tool that helps students understand where they are in the learning process. It also gives educators a way to set clear goals for students, measure progress, and plan lessons. They are particularly helpful when grouping students by similar abilities or into small groups.
Doing this at the beginning (and end) of the year helps educators chart a learning path for each student. Comparing assessments from the beginning of year and the end of a previous year also highlights which skills students have mastered and which might need a refresher after the summer break.
Written specifically for assessing students' accuracy and fluency in decoding, Hebrew Reading Assessment can help you understand your new and returning students’ skills - at every level from novice on up. These black-line masters include 25 assessment pages, divided into six sections that highlight key skills:
Each section begins with guidance on how to assess that specific area of decoding and how to use the supplementary questions included on every page. Also included are sample rubrics and a multiyear record.
Each page is also available in audio format, read aloud by author and educator Lesley Litman. Click here for the Hebrew Reading Assessment audio tracks.
Click here for a sample rubric, the multiyear record, an introduction to letter and vowel recognition, and an exercise with supplementary questions.
The Diagnostic Hebrew Reading Test can help diagnose and remediate Hebrew reading problems for students who have already learned the Hebrew letters and vowels, and includes help to correct common reading errors. This 45-minute diagnostic test is designed to be used with post-primer levels and administered as a class. These black-line masters focus on vowels and short-word recognition.
Download free sample pages from the Diagnostic Hebrew Reading Test.
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