Looking for proven curricular options whether you are teaching remotely, in-person, or doing some of each? Behrman House has three new webinars that will help.

Hebrew in Harmony for Remote Learning

Monday, June 1, 1:00 pm Eastern

Presenters: Terry Kaye and Abra Lee, currently Director of Youth Learning & Engagement, Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, NJ

Plan how to run next year’s Hebrew classes by video conference, in person, or a mix. This 40-minute webinar will show you how to create lively learning sessions using Hebrew in Harmony, a dynamic music-based, blended-learning prayer curriculum. You’ll see how to use the brand-new digital turn-page student booklets; downloadable student pages; the app; and the new teacher’s guide to using the curriculum via video conferencing.

Hear from Abra Lee how, in the spring, she successfully pivoted from using Hebrew in Harmony materials in class to using them on Zoom. Includes fun ways for kids to interact with t’filah between sessions and away from their screens.

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Shalom Uvrachah, Alef Bet Quest, and Shalom Hebrew for Remote Learning

Monday, June 8, 1:00 pm Eastern

Presenters: Terry Kaye and Mindy Schreff, Director of the Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School at Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel, South Orange, NJ 

This 40-minute webinar is for those who want to be ready to engage entry-level Hebrew learners whether you are meeting remotely, in person, or a mix. We’ll show you how to use our new digital turn-page versions of Shalom Uvrachah, Alef Bet Quest, and Shalom Hebrew in combination with the student editions, the Shalom Hebrew app, and online access to student printables, all with guidance from a new teaching guide with specific tips for video conferencing. Mindy Schreff will share how, in March, she transitioned 3rd-grade classes to using the digital turn-page Alef Bet Quest with tutors in Zoom break-out rooms.

You’ll also get a sneak peek at our new Alef Bet Quest app, which will debut this summer for use on all mobile devices.

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Values, Bible, and Israel for Remote Learning

Monday, June 15, 1:00 pm Eastern

Presenters: Aviva Gutnick and Abra Lee, currently Director of Youth Learning & Engagement, Temple Emanu-El of Westfield, NJ

Plan your Judaics program with confidence knowing you will be able to continue whether you are meeting remotely, in-person, or have to do a mix of both. We will focus on ways to use the all-new digital turn-page versions of our most widely used Values, Bible and Israel materials—the print versions and our online enrichment resources and activities. Abra Lee will share how she plans to lead explorations of Torah in the younger grades – including involving families – that can continue uninterrupted even if meeting venues change over the course of the year.

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