Think about a time when you stepped into a classroom or event or any room full of unfamiliar faces. Daunting, right?

Using creativity, practical tools, and a little prep work, you can help your students and staff break the ice and begin building relationships quickly and successfully.

Relationships lie at the core of successful education, and icebreakers help initiate and grow relationships, according to Batsheva Frankel in The Jewish Educator's Companion: Practical Tools and Inspirational IdeasIcebreakers accomplish many things — they can create a sense of community, encourage trust, and allow for better bonding experiences.

Frankel includes an entire chapter in The Jewish Educator's Companion full of examples and strategies to building strong teacher-student relationships. That's just one of 18 mini-workshops in this invaluable resource that's full of creative ideas and techniques meant to inspire.

The Jewish Educator's Companion makes a great gift to welcome and support teachers to help them plan and generate ideas for the new school year.

Using a little bit of educational philosophy and a lot of practical tools, Batsheva Frankel guides educators through suggestions, activities, and templates with concrete examples drawn from Jewish traditions and texts to help educators explore:

        • Games and strategies to develop critical thinking skills
        • A Jewish twist on STEM that addresses concepts such as God, prayer, and ethics
        • Methodologies that are changing or enhancing traditional education
        • Teacher tools to build community and manage a classroom
        • Classroom relationships
With countless tools and activities, even the most seasoned of educators will benefit from this in-depth and creative professional development guide.

Quantity discounts are available. Log in to your school account to get the best discounts.

Remember that with a possible UPS strike coming this summer, it's smart to place orders early.