Will You Be at NewCAJE9?

Are you coming to the NewCAJE conference at University of Hartford CT, July 29?
We’d love to see you. Let us know if you’d like to schedule an appointment. Please include your name, school, city, role/title, and what you'd like to discuss.
We’d be happy to:
- — Show you what’s new from Behrman House, including Make, Create, Celebrate and Let’s Discover Kindness and the newly completed Hebrew in Harmony.
- — Discuss how Behrman House materials fit in your education program.
- — Chat about any curricular matter that’s important to you.
Please stop by the Behrman House booth in the exhibit hall to pick up your free gift.
And please join our workshops:
- — Hebrew in Harmony in Action
Creative director and author Eliana Light and curriculum specialist Terry Kaye will engage you in a Hebrew in Harmony lesson in action. We’ll play with the app so bring your devices!
- — How to Grow Kind Kids: Teaching Kindness as a Jewish Value
Join Aviva Lucas Gutnick, education editor at Behrman House, for a discussion about how to help young children explore kindness and the character traits that contribute to kindness (such as gratitude, empathy, and respect) through a Jewish lens.
- — Storytime: The Power of Picture Books
Author and illustrator Ann Koffsky will show you how stories and picture books are a powerful tool for helping our students make meaning. We’ll discuss what makes a great story and how stories connect students to our tradition.
— Teaching with Art in Your Jewish Classroom
Experience the newest 4-6th grade Jewish holiday curriculum, Make, Create, Celebrate! (Behrman House, 2018). Under the guidance of Ann Koffsky, you’ll make your own artwork and discover new ways to use art appreciation and creation in your Jewish classroom.
In addition, please join our colleagues Batsheva Frankel for three amazing sessions built around her inspiring book The Jewish Educator’s Companion and Dr. Joel Hoffman for a not-to-be-missed session on Bringing Prayer to Children Without Making it Childish.
Please let us know you’re coming. See you there!
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