We now have 285 modern Hebrew word cards available to download - free.
This collection of printable cards consists of functional Hebrew words and phrases for everday situations, including:
The cards include a mix of verbs, nouns, pronouns and adjectives. Download them here, and be sure to print double-sided for use as flash cards, with Hebrew on one side and English on the other. They are also be available on our home page, under the Play & Learn section.
Incorporating modern conversational Hebrew can be motivating to students. Whether you're using modern Hebrew to create an immersive environment or to add some fun and conversation for a few minutes a day, this active vocabulary supports the way real people use language in real life. Sprinkling your learning space with informal, functional Hebrew words helps students respond to and produce language, a key component of language learning.
• Enlarge and cut up for use as labels around a room
• Sight words
• Role playing and games, such as a memory game
• Decoding practice
• As part of Hebrew Alive, a new conversational course that draws from active, movement-based activities to give children functional language to practice conversations in real-life situations. All the words cards form the vocabulary of Hebrew Alive! Talk, Move, and Play the Ulpan Way.
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